
What is the Multiple Mini Interview

A multiple mini interview consists of a series of short, structured interview stations used to assess non-cognitive qualities including cultural sensitivity, maturity, teamwork, empathy, reliability and communication skills.

Prior to the start of each mini interview rotation, candidates receive a question/scenario and have a short period of time (typically two minutes) to prepare an answer.

Upon entering the interview room, the candidate has a short exchange with an interviewer/assessor (usually about 8 minutes). In some cases, the interviewer observes while the interaction takes place between an actor and the candidate. At the end of each mini interview, the interviewer evaluates the candidate’s performance while the applicant moves to the next station. This pattern is repeated through a number of rotations. The duration of the entire interview is commonly anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.

Generally, the situational questions posed in an MMI touch on the following areas:

  • Ethical Decision Making;
  • Critical Thinking;
  • Communication Skills;
  • Current Events and Societal Issues.

Although participants must relate to the scenario posed at each station, it is important to note that the MMI is not intended to test specific knowledge in the field.

Instead, the interviewers evaluate each candidate’s thought process and ability to think on his or her feet. As such, there are no right or wrong answers to the questions posed in an MMI, but each applicant should consider the question from a variety of perspectives.


Free MMI Questions

Preparing for the MMI

Practicing your MMI Skills